Thursday, November 11, 2010

Things from home

Our things from England arrived yesterday, I think Jacob thought it was Christmas. He is keen to get upstairs to all his toys this morning but of course, Cheerios come first!

Our new car is fab, we took it for a spin yesterday to check out a daycare for Jakey. I doubt anywhere will compare well with Brookdale but he seemed to like it. We just need to get some more immunisations to bring him in line with the US. That'll be fun!

We are waiting in this morning again for the telly man, hopefully they will turn up this time! Later we are going to cross the scariest bridge in the world and visit a sculpture garden.

1 comment:

  1. US Cherios look similar to the euro versions! Good news about your possessions, you will be busy now trying to find things!
    Jacob looks pretty settled!
